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Artby presents new collection

Publicerad 2019-09-02

In the spotlight: iconic fashion brands, plastic bags and classic blue. The collection celebrates the fancy and the ordinary, and offers three minimalistic art works approved by Acne Studios, Filippa K and Tiger of Sweden.

”We wanted to create a tight collection for fashionable people who love Scandinavian style and are confident enough to embrace the raw and unpolished. Anders Granberg is a highly conceptual artist with a clear preference for strong visuals. Typically he moves between the polished and the rough,” says Sara Hardell Flagge, Creative Director at Artby.

The art prints in the BLUE collection are acid- and lignin free with archival quality. Artby exclusively works with heavyweight papers, high density pigments and high precision technology. The editions are produced at the Artby studio, in close collaboration with the artist. All art prints are individually quality checked, numbered and packaged in acid free boxes custom made for safe storage and a solid design experience.

About the artist: Anders Granberg is a Swedish artist, born 1973. He is regularly exhibited in Scandinavia, Europe and USA, and is critically praised for his use, reuse and deconstruction of strong Scandinavian brands and concepts – from high end fashion brands to Swedish dreams about ”villa, Volvo, vovve” (literally house, Volvo, dog).

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