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Conquer the US market with Hapday Groups bootcamp

Publicerad 2020-09-17

Get a foothold in the US market in this autumn\’s bootcamp by registering your startup September 25 at the latest. Our partners at Hapday Group is a New York-based consulting firm that offers operational services to scale up and launch companies in the US market. They return with a Virtual B2B Sales bootcamp on October 12. This program will focus on practical and long-term B2B sales tools and scaling strategies in the US and international markets.

The program is open to startups, scaleups, growth-stage companies, salespeople and founders. Built over 4 weeks, with 6 intensive and interactive workshops, each cohort will learn the methodology and psychology behind the sales process. They will also have the opportunity to network and connect with sales and business development experts and mentors, throughout every step of the program. In the end, each cohort will have actionable and effective strategies to grow and scale their businesses.

– During the summer\’s virtual B2B sales bootcamp, the incubator companies Smart Climate and Shimmercat participated. A bootcamp that I also actively participated in to both support the companies and also to learn more about what Hapday\’s methods and processes look like. Both we at Uminova Innovation and the companies gained positive experiences from the program and it felt natural to build on the relationship with Hapday by being a partner in the autumn round of their virtual bootcamp as well, says Peter Bäckström, business developer at Uminova Innovation and Enterprise Europe Network Västerbotten.

Application closes September 25

– The companies that we believe can get the most out of the program are those that have a salable product and have some form of indication of interest from the United States. Then, of course, they need to be able to spend time working on all the tasks they receive during these four intensive weeks. As a participant in the bootcamp, you will be served a variety of resources, networks and opportunities, so it is a great opportunity to take advantage of, says Peter Bäckström.

The application will close on September 25. If you are interested, sign up today here!

This is Hapday Group

Hapday Group is a training and development, operational consultancy for scaling and launching businesses in the US market. With a combined 20 years experience, they have helped 200+ companies develop effective strategies around market entry and sales development operations. Hapday has helped B2B companies bypass some of the most common speed bumps as they head towards successful and sustainable growth.

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