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COS Systems strengthens US presence

Publicerad 2019-09-25

COS Systems, a company with head quarter in Umeå, Sweden, began its expansion into the US Market six years ago. Since then, more than one hundred North American clients have signed up to the two software platforms COS Service Zones and COS Business Engine. With increasing demand for their products and the growing interest among US communities to build True Open Access networks COS has decided to appoint Isak Finer, the company’s CMO, as Vice President of North America. Finer is now permanently based in Blacksburg, Virginia.

“Breaking into a new market is a big undertaking, especially a market as large and competitive as the United States. With the recent years’ successes and our strong financial performance, we feel it is time to take the next step and start building a team permanently based in the United States,” says Peter Lidstrom, COS Systems CEO.

With large projects on the horizon the timing is now right to invest in a stronger local presence and an organization dedicated to the United States.

“I am very happy about the move to the States. Being closer to our clients and partners makes it easier for us to deliver our very best. I look forward to continue building on existing relationships and adding more companies to our family of fantastic customers,” says Isak Finer, COS Systems CMO and VP North America.

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