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Get the whole package at Umeå Tech Arena

Publicerad 2020-10-27

– All startups and tech companies struggle with the challenge to explain their advanced product to their customers. Functions and technical smartness are of course important. But in order to succeed you need to wide your scoope and package the benefits you create for the customer, what they benefit by choosing you and what your brand stands for. It creates competitive advantages and builds trust for both your product and your company, Sara L Olofsdotter, Business Developer at Uminova Innovation explains.

When Umeå Tech Arena, Uminova Innovations meetup for startups, entreprenuers and everyone that love tech, is back on November 25 the focus is on packaging. The attendees of the event, which is 100% digital, will get inspiration on how to effectively package a products if you are a startup or tech company. As keynote speaker Lidia Oshlyansky is invited.

– Lidia has spent the last 20 plus years in the tech sector going from data-base engineering to User Experience and Product development. She has been working at agencies and consulting where clients ranged from multinationals to charities and government sector. But she has also worked directly \’in-house\’ for companies such as Nokia, Google, Schibsted Media Group and Spotify. It feels really inspiring to have her as our keynote speaker at Umeå Tech Arena, Linus Stark at Uminova Innovation says.

– In an ever-crowded world, filled with far too much information getting the user\’s attention to even begin to tell them who we are, what we do, and why we\’d be helpful to them is tougher and tougher. How we package ourselves and our products is how we are often remembered and perceived.  At Umeå Tech Arena I will provide one example of how we can tackle this tough ”packaging” task in our own startups och tech companies, Lidia Oshlyansky explains.

Workshop with startups

Lidia will also host a workshop together with two startups from Uminova Innovation where they will get help to present their product on a serial box. The attendees of Umeå Tech Arena will have an opportunity to submit feedback to the startups how well they perform on that task.

Umeå Tech Arena is livestreamed on a platform powered by the Umeå based startup Coeo Events.

– The digital format allows everyone to participate and the Coeo platform has several features that make it easy to communicate and integrate with both the speakers and the other attendees, Linus Stark explains.

A virtual mingle will be arranged after the stage program where people can meet and talk for real.

– At Umeå Tech Arena you get the whole event package, but in a digital format, Linus Stark says.

[plugbit title=”Umeå Tech Arena” link=”” button=”Read more and sign up here”]Umeå Tech Arena is arranged at November 25 and will be a 100% digital experience.[/plugbit]

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