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Umeå Biotech Incubator appoints new Chairman of the Board

Publicerad 2019-08-15

Lena Karlsson Engman, who is a member of the Social Democrats at Umeå City Council and a former researcher at the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) says: “I am very proud and happy”.

Lena Karlsson Engman is a trained laboratory assistant and chemist and has worked with research and testing for several years, mainly at the FOI in Umeå. She has been a full-time politician since 2015 as a member of the Social Democrats at the city council, as well as Chairman of the Technical Services Committee and the Rescue Services Committee. Lena Karlsson Engman also heads the board of Biofuel Region and has served as Chairman of Umeå Energi and affiliated companies between 2015 and 2018.

Now she is stepping into her new role as Chairman of the Board of Umeå Biotech Incubator.

“I am both proud and happy to have been elected and also very humble about the task facing me. It will be especially fun to get closer to research-related work again. I believe my own experience of research can come in useful working with the board at UBI”, says Lena Karlsson Engman.

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